Buy (XMR) for cash in US Dollar (USD)

128.36 USD / XMR
500.00 - 10000000.00 USD
(feedback score 0/5, see feedback)

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Terms of trade with Liquidity

We reliably and discreetly sell multiple cryptocurrencies using international banking transfers. We offer a fast and very discreet service and we possess very high liquidity; we can process any amount in a timely and professional manner.

Our going rates depend on the volume (USD) of each individual trade:

Less than $10,000 per trade: 7.5%
From $10,000 to $19,999: 6.5%
Over $19,999: 5%

We currently accept the following cryptocurrencies: XMR, BTC, USDT, USDC, LTC, ADA, XRP, BNB, DOGE, BCH, LUNA, TRX, SOL, XLM, DOT, SHIB, MATIC, AVAX.

* Please contact us if you would like to see support for other cryptocurrencies.




We do NOT require KYC/AML for any daily volume below $10,000. If you wish to exchange more than $10,000 and not go through any KYC/AML process, you can structure payments over many consecutive days until you reach the desired amount.

In this case, we would apply the exchange rate based on the total amount exchanged after X consecutive days. Cryptocurrencies will be sent your way on a daily basis as the transfers come through.


Depending on your location, you will be required to send funds to different bank accounts. We use multiple banks in different jurisdictions to simplify the process, make it more efficient, and more cost-effective. To know what bank will be used depending on your location, feel free to send us a message. It'll be our pleasure to answer your questions.


We can also do in-person cash to crypto transactions. We only offer this service in Panama. If you are interested, please contact us directly and we can organize a meetup at our offices. All in-person transactions happen within a safe, secure and discreet environment in which there is no camera. Yes, we truly value your privacy!

Cash to crypto transactions go by the same exchange rates as our international bank transfer rates. We usually pay in $100 USD denominations, but can pay in smaller denominations if requested in advance and depending on the total value of the exchange.


If you have any question at all, fee free to send us a message at the following numbers; we are keen to become a trusted partner of yours and accompany you throughout your cryptocurrency endeavors.


Sunday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Monday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Tuesday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Wednesday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Thursday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Friday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Saturday: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
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Basic instructions:

Read the the terms of the trade and make sure you can comply with them. Use this form to send in a trade request with the sum you wish to trade. After opening the trade request it is possible to discuss with the trader in messaging system.

Open trade requests and message inbox can be found under Dashboard under your user profile page. You can send and receive messages with the trader there.

For more information see quick buy guide.

Cancelling the trade

You can cancel the trade before making the payment. You find open trades under Dashboard in your user profile.

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